The PEPITA test software¶
The GUI¶
File type |
Function |
.ui.qml |
Description of the GUI: switchs, buttons, sliders... |
.qml |
Handle the logic of the GUI with JavaScript |
.py |
Main thread, handles the GUI and call Pyrame |
JavaScript uses IEEE-754 double-precision (64 bit) floating points. But due to some restrictions only 32 bits integers are without risk. That's why the JavaScript GUI passes and receives values to/from Python as binary strings.
Changing GUI colors¶
os.environ["QT_QUICK_CONTROLS_STYLE"] = "Material"
and in pepita_gui.qml:
property color textColor:"#1e90ff"
MATIS panel¶
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Switch ON the MATIS board, see Power on |
Set the multiplexer channel (ch 1 = MATIS, ch 2, ASIC) |
Registers panel¶
Channel panel¶
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Self explanatory |
Switch ON or OFF the analog part of the channel |
Set the threshold value (low value) in Volt
for one of the two comparators. see Architecture
Set the threshold value (high value) in Volt
for one of the two comparators. see Architecture
Override power¶
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Disable or enable the analog part in every channel |
Return the analog part state for every channel |
DAC Voltage¶
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Set the maximum voltage in V for the main DAC.
Max is 3.3 V. Must be superior to VDAC Min.
- and + decrease and incease by 0.1 V.
Set the minimum voltage in V for the main DAC.
Min is 0 V. Must be inferior to VDAC Max.
Show the voltage step size in mV given by |
Show the common voltage step size in mV given by |
Override Voltage¶
Global settings
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Set the low threshold value for all channel comparators |
Set the high threshold value for all channel comparators |
Function |
DAQ panel¶
Control/Indicator |
Function |
Set the reading mode, see Readout for more info |
Use with on demande mode |
Loop until the number. |
Not used at this time. |
Self explanatory |
Self explanatory. If hitted = green light |
Plot window. WORK IN PROGRESS |
Self explanatory |
This part will control the PEPITES test bench. Not implemented.